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Redesig​ning Your 32 Jewels

Treatments offered

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics


Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Caries


A lesion that appears brown and shiny suggests dental caries.As the enamel (outermost layer) and dentin ( second layer) are destroyed, the cavity becomes more noticeable. 











As far as the lesion is restricted to the emamel and dentine conservative procedures like tooth filling ( restorations can be carried out). Tooth colored restorations like composite are becoming more popular because of the aesthetic advantage.



Once the decay passes through enamel, the dentinal tubules, which have passages to the nerve of the tooth, become exposed, resulting in a toothache. This is technically known as pulpitis. The tooth becomes sensitive to hot, cold, sweets etc. 

At times as a result of pulp necrosis ( which can happen either as a result of chronic pulp infection or trauma to the tooth) periapical abscess ( tooth abscess)  develops. This leads to continuous severe pain. In such teeth cold and hot sensation do not exist. 

The treatment for the above is Root Canal Treatment.

This invoves removal of necrotic tissue from root canals. disinfection of the canals followed by filling of canals and restoring the lost structure of crown.








​With our latest eqipments  like  Rotary files and apex locator RCT has become a faster and a more efficient procedure .











A pearl like smile is for every individual is our aim.
Procedures like veneering, bleaching and crowns are the need of the day for beautiful smiles.

Prosthodontics deals with the replacement of missing teeth with help of dentures, bridges (fixed partial denture, crowns) or implants. 

Our Team has specialists for implant supported dentures and full mouth rehabilitation

Pediatric Dentistry

When they are about two and a half years of age, it is recommended that they visit a pediatric dentist,  any problems in these baby teeth including tooth decay, malformation and other dental health problems can be identified and resolved immediately.

Children have baby teeth before they shift to the permanent teeth. These baby teeth are also prone to tooth decay and all kinds of dental issues. This period lasting three to six months is important, as this is the time in which kids begin to develop their milk teeth. Ideally they should learn about caries, methods for caries detection and prevention, the proper way to brush teeth, and how to maintain all round dental health and well being.

Why Primary Teeth Are Important

Primary teeth are important for several reasons. Foremost, good teeth allow a child to eat and maintain good nutrition. Healthy teeth allow for clear pronunciation and speech habits. The self-image that healthy teeth give a child is immeasurable. Primary teeth also guide eruption of the permanent teeth.





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